IAA Cost Calculator™

Determine the final cost of any vehicle, including fees and optional transportation cost, before bidding on and buying cars at auction. Every registered buyer can use the IAA Cost Calculator™ on each vehicle detail page once they log in.

Vehicle cost calculations shown on IAA Cost Calculator

Features & Benefits

  • With the IAA Cost Calculator, you can see a full breakdown of your costs, including bid amount and all associated fees. 

  • Include IAA Transport costs to your estimated total by adding in the delivery location zip code. 

The Cost Calculator is an Estimate

The IAA Cost Calculator is intended to assist buyers in estimating total costs and is neither a quote, nor offer of finance. There can be no assurance that the estimate provided will be current or correct, and the Cost Calculator should not be relied upon as the final calculation or verification of total fees. IAA makes no representations or warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, about the functionality or accuracy of the Cost Calculator and accepts no liability arising out of or related to Buyer’s use of or access to the Cost Calculator including, without limitation, any errors or omissions. Buyers who choose to use this tool remain responsible for paying all required fees regardless of whether those fees were shown in the Cost Calculator.